EKV Discography

1984 - 1993 | Outside EKV | New Releases | Filmography


Ekatarina Velika was one of the most significant groups in 1980s' Yugoslav rock n' roll music scene. Their works were on the forefront of the New Wave; they are regarded as the truly unique moments of art.


Releases 1984-1993

Katarina II Katarina II
Katarina II
1984. ZKP RTLJ LD 0954
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ekatarina Velika Ekatarina Velika
Catherine the Great
Ekatarina Velika
1985. ZKP RTLJ LD 1257
Ljubljana, Slovenia
S' vetrom uz lice S' vetrom uz lice
Against the Wind
Ekatarina Velika
1986. ZKP RTLJ LD 1382
Ljubljana, SLovenia
EKV 19 LIVE 86 19 LIVE! 86 EKV
Ekatarina Velika
1987. ZKP RTLJ LD 1464
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ljubav Ljubav
Ekatarina Velika
1987. PGP RTB LP 2320509
Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Samo par godina za nas

Samo par godina za nas
Just a Few Years for Us
Ekatarina Velika
1989. PGP RTB LP 210595
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Ekatarina Velika
1991. PGP RTB LP 211265
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Neko nas posmatra Neko nas posmatra
Someone's Watching Us

Ekatarina Velika
1993. PGP RTS
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Ekatarina Velika photo gallery

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New Releases

The best of Ekatarina Velika
1995. ZTP RTLJ
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Collection of early works on previously published albums Katarina II i EKV 19 live 84! in ZTP's production.

According to our sorces, the album was sold out.

1997. Global-music

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Works Outside EKV

Bistriji ili tuplji, covek biva kad....
Sarlo Akrobata
1981, PGP RTV Belgrade Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Prior to formation of Katarina II, Milan Mladenovic and drummer Ivan Vdovic, together with Dusan Kojic (The Disciplin A Kicthme) played in "Sarlo Akrobata".

Bistriji ili Tuplji... (Smarter or Dumber, a Man Turns When...) was one of the greatest alternative albums ever.

Paket Aranzman
Group of authors
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Belgrade New Wave bands Elektricni Orgazam, idoli and Sarlo put the album together in fall/winter of 1980. Check Book of Songs for more detailed information.
1992. Singl.
Radio B 92 production
Belgrade Yugoslavia
Milan, Cane, Anton, Gile and Jovica, famous Belgrade based New Wave musicians from early 80s produced single "Listen This" as the part of their own anti-war campaign. The song was also performed live from the truck, and while they were giving away free T-shirts, badges and amblems they were repeating the message of peace.
EQV: Ti si sav moj bol
(You're all of my anguish)

Margita Stefanovic and Vladimir Stojic

Coop Arts & Crafts Unlimited
1994. Viena, Austria

EQV: You're my whole anguish
  1. Ti Si Sav Moj Bol (special itemmix)
  2. Equinox
  3. Interludii
  4. Ti Si Sav Moj Bol (antibolic mix)
  5. Idacs
  6. Su-Ludilo
  7. Plastic
  8. Stratosphere
  9. Ti Si Sav Moj Bol (ambiental mix)

Book of Songs: EKV

Angel's Breath Angel's Breath was released during the summer of 1994 in Sao Paolo, Brazil; it was the last work of Milan Mladenovic published during his life.

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EKV music and authors on the movie screen

Decko koji obecava
Boy with a future
Milan Mladenovic & Ivan Vdovic (in Sarlo Akrobata) were musicians from "Nestasni decaci" (Bad Boys); Aleksandar Bercek was the leading actor / singer.
Tajvanska kanasta
Dir. Goran Markovic
Magi (main charracter's sister), Milan i Zika played in
"Mrtav Bambi" (Dead Bambi); the move contains a concert
scene -- with a famous
TATOO song.
Crna Marija
Black Maria
Music for film by Milan Mladenovic
S' one strane duge
On the Other Side of Rainbow
Music for play by Margita Stefanovic
Majka Hrabrost
Mother Courage
Music for play by Milan Mladenovic
Klasni neprijatelj
Class Enemy
Music for play by Margita Stefanovic
Tri sestre
Three Sisters
Music for play by Margita Stefanovic

Zika (Srdjan) Todorovic, EKV's drummer, is well known talented Belgrade actor; he appeared in numerous movies as leading or supporting charracter.


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EKV WEB was first lounched on February 28, 1997
by Lukic Communications  and Firchie Drum Company.

Copyright © 1997, 1998 Lukic Communications.